Partnership Between Scientists and Fishermen
October 2020 – May 2022,
Central Adriatic
About the Project
The project Improving cooperation between fishermen and scientists for the purpose of introducing advanced technologies for marking fishing gear, protecting fish health and preserving the environment was applied in the tender of the Ministry of Agriculture for granting support under measure I.3. “Partnerships between scientists and fishermen”.
Encouraging transfer knowledge between scientists and fishermen
Public authorities, fishermen, fishermen’s associations, local fisheries action groups (FLAGs) and NGOs
Type of Operation
Creating networks, partnership agreements, contracts or associations between one or more independent scientific bodies and fishermen or one or more fishermen’s organizations, in which technical bodies may participate,
Activities carried out within networks, partnership agreements, contracts or associations, including data collection and management activities, studies, pilot projects, dissemination of knowledge and research results, seminars and best practices.
Project Associates
Ruđer Bošković Institute, Institute for Marine and Environmental Research
Neven Cukrov, PhD
Damir Valić, PhD
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Department of Biology and Pathology of Fish and Bees, University of Zagreb
Associate Prof. Emil Gjurčević, PhD
Assistant Prof. Krešimir Matanović
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Department of Anatomy, Histology and Embryology, University of Zagreb
Prof. Snježana Kužir, PhD
Department of Geography, University of Zadar
Associate Prof. Ante Šiljeg, PhD
Assistant Prof. Ivan Marić
Project Team

Ante Šiljeg
Associate Professor

Damir Valić
Scientific Advisor

Emil Gjurčević

Ivan Marić

Krešimir Matanović

Neven Cukrov

Marin Lovrić

Snježana Kužir