Emil Gjurčević
Associate Professor
Emil Gjurčević was born in 1974 in Zagreb. He graduated in 2004 from the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Zagreb and as an assistant research fellow he is employed at the Department of Biology and Pathology of Fish and Bees. In the same year he enrolled in the postgraduate scientific study of Ichthyopathology. He was elected a full-time assistant in 2006. During his postgraduate studies, he studied at the European Union Reference Laboratory for Cancer (CEFAS, Weymouth) in the United Kingdom. As a postgraduate student, he received an award from the European Association of Fish Pathologists (EAFP). He received his PhD in 2010 with the topic The association of spinal deformities with histological and histochemical changes in the axial muscle of carp (Cyprinus carpio L.). He was elected assistant professor in 2012, associate professor in 2016, and full professor in 2021.
At the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, he participates in the implementation of all forms of teaching in the subjects of integrated undergraduate and graduate study of veterinary medicine. From ac. yr. 2019/2020 as the head of the subject Biology and Pathology of Aquatic Organisms, and from ac. yr. 2020/2021 as a course leader Fishery participates in integrated study in English. He also participates in postgraduate classes. He is a leader in 5 and an associate in 4 subjects of postgraduate doctoral studies. He is the proposer and leader of the course Applied Fish Forensics at the postgraduate specialist study Forensic Veterinary Medicine. In addition to teaching obligations at the home faculty, he also teaches postgraduate studies at the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Zagreb, where he is the head of the Ichthyopathology course at the specialist study of Fisheries. He was a mentor in the preparation of 15 graduate and one student thesis. At the University of Messina he was a commentator in the preparation of a doctoral thesis on Aquaculture production: current limits and contribution to innovation on fish health management (2020). He is the author of 2 teaching texts intended for students and co-author of the university textbook Fish Nutrition (2016).
He has published 75 papers of all categories, of which 17 in journals represented in the Current Contents database and 9 in journals represented in the Science Citation Index Expanded and other databases. Narrow field of scientific work Assoc. dr. sc. Emil Gjurčević is ichthyopathology.
He was the leader of a short-term research support project at the University of Zagreb. As an associate, he participated in the implementation of two scientific research projects funded by the Ministry of Science, Education and Sports, one scientific project funded by the European Union and the Ministry of Agriculture, one scientific and professional project funded by the European Union and the Ministry of Agriculture, two projects of the Croatian Science Foundation and three project of short-term research support of the University of Zagreb.
He was an invited lecturer and a member of the organizing committee at several scientific conferences. He has reviewed numerous teaching texts, an international scientific project, a university textbook and more than 40 scientific papers, some of them for the two most important international scientific journals dealing with fish diseases (Journal of Fish Diseases and Diseases of Aquatic Organisms). He was a member of the editorial board of the scientific-professional journal Hrvatski veterinarski vjesnik (2013-2019).
As part of his professional activities, he participated in the work of several commissions at the Ministry of Agriculture. For the professional development of veterinary doctors, he organized a specialist course on the protection of the health of freshwater fish, which was attended by participants from several countries. He has also lectured on other specialist lifelong learning courses dealing with fish and bee diseases. He organized gatherings and gave lectures for our fishing experts and fish farmers. He also gave lectures for freshwater and marine fish farmers in Europe. He led contractual cooperation on health surveillance with several freshwater fish farms. He developed management plans for freshwater fisheries for fishing rights holders. He is the head of the Laboratory for Fish Diseases. He established a registered facility with the Institute for the use of freshwater fish in experiments (HR-POK-018).
At the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, he was the acting head of the Department of Biology and Pathology of Fish and Bees (2019), the head of the Department (since 2019) and a member of several committees.
Project function:
As part of the project “Improving cooperation between fishermen and scientists in order to introduce advanced technologies for marking fishing gear, fish health and environmental protection” is responsible for analyzing growth and development disorders and monitoring the occurrence of tumors on submitted fish specimens. He will also participate in the dissemination of knowledge and research results through the preparation of an expert study on identified health disorders.